Saturday, February 17, 2007

In the flow

First, a great big "Thank you!" to all those who have helped me be in the flow these last several weeks:

Christy - who loaned me her husband's car to use for a week! And to her husband, Jim, who graciously said it was fine with him - Jim, you're a gem, but I bet you've heard that before!

Marcia - who drove to prison to pick me up from work, altering her sleep schedule to make sure I didn't end up sleeping at prison :)

Rachel - who got up extra early to drive me TO prison - what a kid!

Candice - who said she'd be there for me - and meant it

Stacey - whose faith in me keeps me afloat and whose faith in the universe inspires me

And to all others out there, from church, from women's group, and everywhere - thank you for continuing to hold me in the light and see me through this.

I did keep going to work even when my car was repossessed. And I did get the car back before it was auctioned. Even more importantly (and boy! are those first 2 things important!), the universe kept me afloat. I continually remind myself that my job, my car, my paycheck, and everything else that may appear paramount - are not my true source. The universe/God is my source. Yes, Bubba's Sis, I use the terms "universe" and "god" interchangeably. I also use "creator." They all mean the same to me - my higher power.

I believe that gratitude is one of the tools that keeps my good flowing. Actually, it's not just ME that believes that - a great many friends also hold that belief. And it's a principle that Unity has been teaching for about a hundred years. Also, The Secret (a DVD totally worth your while to watch) is spreading the news.

I remain incredibly grateful for all the big and little things in my life, all those things I see now and all those that have yet to manifest.

A mini-list:
1. My faith
2. My family (extended)
3. My friends
4. My bed (hey! it's a pillow top...)
5. My education
6. Job/job skills
7. Vacations
8. Pets
9. My very own home
10. A forum for my thoughts


cjm said...

You're welcome. I'm glad things are going well!

StaceyG said...

I've always admired your ability to have that attitude of gratitude no matter what. The things that haven't manifested yet always add a dash of pleasant expectancy to life, yes?

The Muse's Oracle said...

Glad you are doing okay and feeling grateful because it is so important. You are my inspiration! Miss you tons and hope we can get together soon.

Christy said...

You're welcome. I will be sure to show this to Jim when he comes home. Only 1 more day! Keep the faith, you are making mini miracles!