Wednesday, July 26, 2006

initial musings

As most people who know me realize, I'm an opinionated person. Not so as you would notice right away, but underneath it all, I have my ideas. I am, however, an equal opportunity listener. I welcome others' opinions -- if they use logic -- and have been known to change my mind on occasion. Anyone who reads this is requested to give their own ideas on these and other subjects.

I have a lot on my mind. Not just personal stuff but world stuff. Like our political leaders and the world economy and things going on in the middle east. And mental health care -- or the lack of it in Texas. And how we tend to overpay those folks who are in the entertainment industry and shortchange those who work to save lives and minds, to teach, to care for our children, and others I can't think of right now.

I also wonder why so many research breakthroughs take so long to get to the public sector. I understand about meds but what about psychological theories that could actually help everyday people lead better lives?

Why is Dr. Phil getting so rich and so famous off of other professionals' research? Most people think he is the embodiment of psychology and the epitome of mental health professionals. What a sad icon!

Why are so many ideas considered "new age" or "new thought" when they've been around for such a long time? And why does that nomer have such a negative connotation with so many people?

I also want parents to be required to take courses, pass tests, and be issued a license before they can raise children, by God!

And while we're at it, how about more how-to manuals? You know, for things like "Baby-Daddy for Dummies?" I'm open to suggestions for other such manuals.

Some jobs ought to be mandatory for every person who turns 18. Like they can choose 1 year of waiting tables, working in retail, or changing bedpans. I believe we'd have a much more humble, understanding, and appreciative workforce.

And I can't end this initial posting without recommending Madelyn Albright's new book, The Mighty and the Almighty. For the first time in my life, I think I might have an understanding of the connection between religion and politics in the Middle East. Um, maybe we could ask our elected representatives to read this? I don't know, just thinking it would be nice if a few of them knew what the heck they were talking about when they make speeches (that the whole world hears).


StaceyG said...

Well said! I couldn't agree with your more about Dr. Phil. How he figures he's going to do anything in 8 minutes - and more sickeningly - how he got so rich and famous so quickly on Oprah's coattails is just a sad, sad story. Welcome to the blogosphere!

- Stacey

cjm said...

I'm so glad you finally brought it to the world!!! More later. Can you believe it? I'm getting both phone lines right now!

cjm said...

As Marcia said, "They are of course the very evil they abhor just like the fundamentalist of Christianity." Couldn't have been said better. It is hard to differ from the values/moralsschools of thought you were raised with but it can be done. What I don't understand is how these people can't see that such a universally immoral thing (i.e. murder, killing) is wrong. I think their view of God must be very different. As a not-so-religious person, I still am of the view that any religious figurehead would not want his followers killing others. Call me crazy...

I, of course, do not like Dr. Phil. I'd love to know how much screening and prep work goes into his shows. His kind of "therapy" would be very destructive to many.

I also agree on the mental health care in Texas, the weird way our society assigns values to occupations, and not just anyone reproducing.

Research least with meds the part where I can see us shortening the years it takes to move from creating the basic chemical formula to marketing the drug really lies with the FDA. It takes so long for them to review and approve. You know what makes them do it about 6 months faster? An extra payment of about $700,000. Yeah...I don't know either.

Well, I suppose this is "the thinking woman's blog." I like it. Keep 'em coming.

Christy said...

Hi Cheryl, Marcia and all
I have been meaning to get on here and interact but have been swamped at work. Don't you just hate when work gets in the way of fun? :-)
Seriously, what's up with the Dr. Phil bashing? He doesn't claim not to use theories of others, nor does he claim to cure people in 8 minutes. All he does is give some in your face advice. I like him.

As for him riding on Oprah's coattails, that is one of the things I love about Oprah! Everyone who touches her life in a positive way, gets rich. She makes millionaires all the time. I say good for her. I wish I could take some people who have touched my lives and make them rich beyond thier wildest dreams!


Gonçalo Veiga said...

"And how we tend to overpay those folks who are in the entertainment industry and shortchange those who work to save lives and minds, to teach, to care for our children".

Well said. I agree with your views. It's too sad the people who have the chance to change things starting at the top of the social/economical/political pyramid just don't do what they should. For us all at the top of the pyramid there's only hope and hard-work though... but there is something.